Criminal Defense

New Jersey Criminal Defense Attorney

If you’re facing criminal charges, you need to act fast, stay smart, and proceed strategically. Don’t do it alone. In addition to more than 30 years’ experience as a criminal defense lawyer, Mark S. Guralnick is a licensed private detective and a former investigative news reporter. Let Mark go to work for you!

Investigative Criminal Defense Attorney in New Jersey

Timing Counts! Experience Counts! Strategy Counts!

Mark Guralnick Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you’ve been charged with a criminal offense, you need to act quickly, as soon as you become aware that charges may be filed, or have been filed. If you haven’t been charged or arrested yet, don’t wait for it to happen. Every advantage that you give to the police or the prosecution is time lost, time wasted. Let the Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick help you plan your defense early, strategically and effectively.

Never talk to police!

Never give statements voluntarily! Never agree to discuss your case with investigators, detectives or law enforcement, no matter what promises they make to you! Never! Get legal advice first. You have a constitutional right to remain silent. Invoke that right. We will assist you in strategically releasing information, if and when it should be released. If you have already spoken to police, then please contact us so that we can do “damage control” as quickly as possible. We’ll help you fix your situation if you act quickly.

What we do!

The Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick is the investigative and forensic criminal defense firm. We go to work immediately to defend you thoroughly in your case. Our team gathers all of the evidence available to challenge the charges against you. We handle numerous major categories of crime, including all of the criminal offenses listed on the left side of this page. Some of our major criminal defense categories include:

Drug Offenses Sex Crimes Theft Crimes Crimes of Violence

When you retain the Law Office of Mark S. Guralnick, we quickly issue the necessary demands, requests, and subpoenas to obtain all of the evidence which the state has against you. You won’t be ambushed in the courtroom because we’ll find out every piece of evidence against you before your case heads to court. If the evidence is weak, we’ll try to get your case dismissed. If the evidence against you is stronger, then we’ll work harder to get your case dismissed. And, if the evidence against you is very strong, then we’ll give you all of your options, including your right to enter into a plea bargain.

We will never sell you out. We will never make a deal on your behalf for a “lesser charge” unless that’s what you want to do, and under such circumstances, we will negotiate, to the fullest extent possible, for the best outcome on your behalf.

Because we specialize in an investigative approach to criminal defense, we leverage our forensic skills to gathering information, interviewing witnesses, scrutinizing data, photographs, documents and other evidence to produce a persuasive defense on your behalf. In some cases, we will cultivate laboratory evidence to win your case; in other cases, we may apply technical data, statistical evidence or mathematical proofs to win your case. Still, in other cases, we may call expert witnesses to the stand to prove your case.

Mark Guralnick Criminal Defense Lawyer

For example, in a previous case, we called a medical doctor to the witness stand to show that our client suffered from asthma, and as such his respiratory function prevented him from breathing into a breathalyzer machine the same way others did; thus, his blood-alcohol level was disregarded in connection with a drunk-driving charge.

In another case, we hired a retired state police officer to reconstruct an accident scene and to prove that the police officer on the scene mis-reported how the accident occurred. We succeeded in getting all of the criminal charges tossed, and in fact, subsequently collected financial damages for our clients.

How We Take Control from the Beginning

Remember this: The police and the prosecutors have a team: In many cases, they have been working on your case for a period of time before making an arrest, and you can be assured that before they get to court, they will have assigned a team of investigators, police officers, detectives, case workers, district attorneys or state attorneys to work on your file. Their team has one objective, and that is to obtain a conviction.

When you engage the Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick as your criminal defense attorneys, we will immediately level the playing field. Our team will equalize the terms of engagement. We will immediately:

  • Invoke all of your constitutional rights to bail (if you’ve not been released)
  • Invoke your right to an arraignment
  • Invoke your right to pre-trial discovery of documents and evidence
  • File the necessary pre-trial motion for bail reduction
  • File an Entry of Appearance
  • File a Written Plea of Not Guilty
  • File a demand for severance of you case from the case of any co-defendants, if appropriate
  • Raise an alibi defense, if appropriate.
  • Raise all available defenses to your charges, such as entrapment, mistake, coercion, duress, abandonment, withdrawal, double jeopardy, statute of limitations, consent, self-defense, insanity defense, or any other defenses that may apply.
  • File a motion to merge charges
  • File a motion to dismiss charges
  • File a motion for list of prosecution witnesses
  • File a motion to physically inspect and forensically analyze tangible items of evidence
  • File a motion to disclose the identity of government informants
  • File a motion to suppress confessions or other illegally obtained evidence
  • File a motion for disclosure of intercepted wire, oral or electronic communications.
  • Seek the depositions of all prosecution witnesses, if appropriate
  • Seek to record the testimony of child complainants, if appropriate
  • Seek competency examinations, where appropriate
  • Seek a change of venue if necessary.
  • Challenge any evidence against you that is not admissible

These are just an example of some of the steps we take when we begin representing you. If your case ultimately goes to trial, there are many other steps we will take on your behalf. We encourage you to act promptly to retain counsel, to choose wisely, and to pair up with a firm who has a “master plan” and a history of dedicated experience.

Federal Crimes

In addition to the many different criminal offenses listed on the left side of this page, the Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick also handles a wide variety of federal crimes. This covers at least 17 different major federal statutes:

In addition, the Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick tackles several hundred different kinds of federal criminal offenses which run the full gamut from committing bankruptcy fraud to international child abductions. To get a glimpse of the wide range of federal crimes covered by our law firm, click below:

Federal Crimes

When federal charges are being prosecuted, it usually means that the charges are stemming from an investigation by a federal agency such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the U.S Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). If you are facing charges brought by a federal agency such as the FBI, DEA or IRS, please do not hesitate to contact us for a full, free case evaluation.

Mark S. Guralnick has extensive experience dealing with these federal agencies dating back to his days as an investigative news reporter assigned to cover these very same federal agencies. In addition to his law degree, Guralnick has earned numerous advanced credentials over the years, including a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and a Doctorate in Political Science – two high-level degrees that give him the inside track on how these political-government agencies run, and how they work.

Today, as an experienced criminal defense lawyer and a licensed private investigator, Guralnick leverages his tremendous education, his skills and experiences to provide a carefully refined defense to every client.

White Collar Crimes

The category of white collar crime was historically referred to as crime committed by “a person of respectability.” The FBI thinks of it today as the full range of frauds committed by business and government professionals. White collar crimes include accounting fraud, public corruption, tax evasion, prescription fraud, Medicare fraud, insurance fraud, environmental crimes and loan-related frauds. They may also embrace identity theft, money laundering schemes, intellectual property piracy, and other forms of financial institution, corporate, investment, securities or commodities fraud or theft.

White collar crime may fall into both overt categories, such as blackmail and bribery offenses, as well as covert categories such as counterfeiting and embezzlement. A common form of white collar crime perpetrated against the U.S. government and against other governments and businesses is the practice of overbilling. Thus, for example, many individuals are prosecuted every year for health care fraud (seeking excessive Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements for medical services), or environmental fraud (seeking excessive payment for cleaning up the environment).

Insider trading, investment schemes, insurance fraud, kickbacks and other forms of financial manipulation also fall under the general rubric of white collar crime.

At the Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick, we have encountered a wide variety of white collar crime cases, ranging from the common to the complex. These include, for example, simple check-kiting operations in which people deposit bad checks in the bank and draw funds against those checks before the checks clear (and before the bank ascertains that the deposited checks were rubber).

As another example, we’ve also worked on a complex multi-party national telemarketing scheme case, in which federal prosecutors alleged that our client masterminded a robo-calling boiler room operation that tricked people out of their money as part of an alleged fraudulent operation to sell them real estate timeshare services.

Mark Guralnick Federal Crimes Lawyer

If you or someone you know has become the subject of a criminal investigation or criminal charges, we encourage you to act sooner rather than later. Timing counts! Don’t give the police or the prosecutors any more of a head-start than they already have. When you are ready to speak with an attorney, we also respectfully invite you to contact us.

The Law Office of Mark S. Guralnick has the experience and the unique credentials as a forensic-based law firm, with extensive prior legal and investigative experience, as well as top-notch educational credentials to get the job done.

We are also a strategy-based law firm. We take an active role in your defense; we strategize ways to “get you off the hook,” whether through motions, direct challenges to the evidence, or other methods. Let us go to work for you, and we will – indeed – go to work for you! Contact us for an appointment or for a free, complete assessment of your situation at 1-866-337-2900.

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Timely, effective legal services with down-to-Earth, common sense advice, provided to individuals, businesses, and organizations.

The legal team at the Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick is happy to assist you with your legal problems, no matter how big or small. We serve clients throughout the United States and across the world.

Feel free to contact us toll-free at 1-866-337-2900.

Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick
926 Haddonfield Road
Ste E222
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

    8 College
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    30+ Years of
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    Licensed as a private detective, Mark Guralnick is a former investigative news reporter, and leverages these skills and experiences to deliver excellent client service while finding smart, practical, cost-effective solutions.

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