Help your kids start their own “business,” and you’ll be helping your own custody case along the way.
Posted June 14th, 2016.
Categories: Custody Tips, Family Law.

You’re never too young to learn about free enterprise. Get your kids started early on understanding how a business runs. Help them set up their own lemonade stand, dog-walking business, pool cleaning service or car washing business.
Teaching children the virtues and responsibilities of running a business is a valuable exercise even if you’re not involved in a custody case. But if you happen to be quarreling over custody, then a new business enterprise based at your house may help your case.
When children become involved in a business venture, they take pride in their success. They associate the business with the place in which it is located. A lemonade stand, for example, is a physical concession stand based at a particular location. A car-washing business is centered around a particular neighborhood. A dog-walking service involves particular neighbors with specific dogs. Get your children to set up their business at your home and they won’t want to be anywhere else. Doing business at your house will create a positive connection between the child and your house and may, in fact, create a disincentive to spend too much time away from your house.
If your kids do set up a business, be sure to guide them, encourage them and praise them for their courage and success. Your kids will learn some valuable lessons while having a good time…and you’ll benefit along the way.