Display your children’s accomplishments at your home
Posted October 1st, 2016.
Categories: Child Custody, Custody Tips, Family Law.

It may seem rather commonplace to decorate your refrigerator with drawings by your children and copies of their classroom accomplishments, but don’t stop there. Feel free to publish your children’s artistic and literary works throughout the house. A excellent report card might deserve a frame and a place on the child’s dresser. The essay or poem that wins a contest at school should perhaps be enlarged and hung from a wall. The trophy for the soccer team should be prominently displayed as well.
By displaying and promoting your children’s accomplishments, you are reminding them that your home is their home. As they take pride in their good grades, creative drawings and soccer championships, they’ll connect that pride to the home where their work is on public display.
When guests come over, call attention to your children’s works and accomplishments. Tell your children how your guests react. Allow the children to enjoy the compliments as their accomplishments are hailed and heralded by your friends and family….and let this all take place at YOUR home.
As the children come to see your home as the museum in which their works are displayed, they’ll continue to develop a stronger affiliation with your home — a connection that cannot be easily broken. That “sense of home” will be reflected in comments the children make to counselors, court evaluators, judges and others. In the end, your position in a child custody dispute will be strengthened.