Come out of the dark ages. Start using an online custody calendar program.

Posted September 24th, 2016.

Categories: Child Custody, Custody Tips, Family Law.


If you’re still marking up your calendar the old-fashioned way with custody and visitation dates, wake up. Times have changed!  It’s time to come out of the dark ages and start using an online custody calendar program.

Not every family will benefit from such a program, but many families can use online calendar and visitation management systems to prevent the ugly disputes that surface during holidays, summer vacations and other high-conflict periods.

One such program is OPTIMAL, an online custody calendar that allows parents to easily schedule and track parenting time as well as monitor compliance with their custody arrangement. OPTIMAL stands for the Online Parenting Time Information Manager and Activity Log. Another program is Our Family Wizard which includes a calendar, an expense log, and a message board for keeping a record of all communications between parents. Yet another site is, which features, among other things, a medical tracking program in which parents can list essential health information for the children, doctor’s appointments, co-pays, and insurance policy details.

Online custody management programs are not always free, and they’re not all easy or quick to use. They may require some patience and some coordination between the parties. Still, they may enable parents to avoid misunderstandings and miscommunications and keep them out of custody court on calendar-related disputes.

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