What kind of background or experience should your lawyer have in order to represent you in a car accident injury case?
Should he or she be knowledgeable about insurance coverage?
Should your lawyer be experienced with forensic investigations and accident reconstruction?
Should he have training in human behavior?
Should your lawyer have experience in negotiating and mediating settlements? Or should he or she be skilled in the courtroom – handling arbitrations, motions, jury trials?
Car accident lawyer Mark S. Guralnick is trained and experienced in all of these areas. He has more than 30 years of experience as a car accident lawyer. He is a licensed private detective, and a former news reporter with extensive investigative experience involving accident scenes, forensic evidence and witness testimony. He holds eight college degrees, including six master’s degrees and a doctorate. He has been board certified in mediation, and as a federal arbitrator. He is also board certified in civil trial law based on his extensive courtroom experience.
He has worked both the Plaintiff’s side and the Defendant’s side, addressing complex insurance issues from all angles and all positions. Before going into private practice, Mark S. Guralnick worked as general counsel for National Freight, Inc., where he taught interstate truck drivers about roadway safety and handled major accident claims throughout the country.
Accidents result from an unexpected change in a vehicle’s linear or angular velocity, combined with variables in human perception and human reaction time. Car accident lawyer Mark S. Guralnick combines his many experiences and background specialties to identify the root causes of every accident, and to ferret out all of the damages available to accident victims.
The Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick investigates every car accident case to determine ALL POSSIBLE vehicular and human causes of the accident.
The Top 75 Reasons Why Accidents Occur
- Brake failure
- Tire blowouts and mishaps due to uneven, worn or improperly inflated tires.
- Steering and suspension system failures
- Other equipment failures
- Intersection design hazards
- Merging lane hazards
- School zone hazards
- Curves, bends, crests and other curvature issues
- Pedestrian crossing defects
- Livestock crossing defects
- Road construction issues
- Disabled or improperly parked vehicles
- Deer and other wild animals
- Traffic jams, including stop-and-go traffic patterns.
- Hazard visibility problems
- Disobedience of traffic signals
- Traffic signal malfunctions.
- Violation of speed limits.
- Misplacement or poor maintenance of speed limit signs.
- Failure to obey yield signs.
- Failure to obey stop signs.
- Misplacement of poor maintenance of yield signs and stop signs.
- Turning lane issues
- Mis-designed traffic circles and roundabouts.
- Failure to yield at traffic circles.
- Police surveillance cameras.
- Violations and problems with other traffic control devices
- Grooved pavements defects.
- Violations and problems with dotted and double lines.
- Placement and maintenance of reflective stakes and barriers
- Misleading junctions between roadway ending and shoulders
- Speed bump defects.
- Problems with raised medians, pedestrian islands and other separators.
- Defective and non-crash-resistant guard rails or concrete barriers.
- Other behavioral control devices
- Traffic flow problems
- Intersectional defects
- Deadly curves
- Inclement weather conditions (fog, snow, ice, rain)
- Roadway debris
- Faded road signs
- Signs concealed by foliage
- Potholes causing tire and suspension failures
- Potholes causing diversionary tactics
- Highway and local road construction activities
- Failure to salt roads / poor salting/sanding
- Other roadway maintenance deficiencies
- Distracted drivers (cell phones/inattention)
- Act of God events
- Speeding, careless and reckless driving
- Aggressive tailgating
- Other aggressive driving and road-rage misconduct
- Unsafe lane changes
- Failure to signal
- Disregard of traffic signals
- Drunk driving
- Drowsy driving
- Other impaired driving
- Street racing
- High winds
- Loose objects in cars
- Police chases
- Headlight glare
- Sunlight glare
- Misjudgment of gap and velocity of other vehicle
- Interior car distraction
- Stopping in traffic
- Backing up errors
- Unlawful U-turning
- Accelerating in traffic lane
- False assumptions about other driver’s actions
- Heart attack or other physical impairment
- Falling and flying objects
- Hydroplaning
- Night blindness
After a car accident occurs, it is important to act promptly to obtain legal advice.
Depending on where the accident occurred, there are time-sensitive statutes of limitations and tort claim laws.
Do not engage in settlement discussions on your own with an insurance company –insurance companies notoriously attempt to talk people into low settlements in exchange for giving up their legal rights to bring a legal claim in the future.
If you’ve been involved in any kind of car accident, please contact the Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick.
Our cases are handled on a contingency fee basis so that you do not pay any money to us unless we successfully settle your case or win a judgment for you. All consultations with our car accident lawyer are free.
Contact our Firm
The Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick is an experienced and committed legal team for clients throughout the state of New Jersey. Our team effectively serves clients facing a wide variety of legal matters. If you require the services of a dedicated attorney, please contact The Law Offices of Mark S. Guralnick today for a free consultation.