Turn a snow day into a custody opportunity.

Posted January 23rd, 2016.

Categories: Custody Tips, Family Law.

snow days mark guralnick

Much of the country has been experiencing snowy winter days these past few weeks. If you’re embroiled in a custody case, you might want to think of snow days as an opportunity to increase your children’s connections to your home.

In many blogs, I’ve noted how your custody case can be improved by doing everything you can to “connect” your kids to your home. On a snow day, give out snow-related assignments to the kids, and plan some snow-related fun activities.

For example, shoveling the snow can become an organized family project. One person can clean the cars; another can shovel the driveway; another can make the hot chocolate. Parents and children can collaborate in salting the pavement. With some creative planning, a snow day can be turned into a genuine family bonding opportunity that will further improve your children’s connection with — and responsibility toward — your home. It can also provide some valuable lessons on snow safety, property maintenance, and teamwork.

When the snow melts and the seasons change, your children will likely have a heightened sense of your home as their home. And you will have a much stronger claim for child custody under your roof.

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